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A really great, compact and very pleasant contact. Responds to all special requests and special features and above all can explain the complex and multi-layered field of insurance super understandable. Highly Recommended!

Karl D. Avatar Karl D.
10. September 2019

Best advice!!! I can only recommend Finanz Docs.

Michael Wulff Avatar Michael Wulff
10. November 2022

Competent advice and caring, friendly support, to be recommended at any time.

Daniel Breinhorst Avatar Daniel Breinhorst
28. August 2020

Very reliable, trustworthy, competent and professional - anytime again for financial advice!

Nicole Bickel Avatar Nicole Bickel
10. August 2022

Reliable and competent contact. Responds to requests and takes the time to answer questions. He explains clearly and with a lot of calm. Individual appointment planning.

Frank Hampel Avatar Frank Hampel
27. Januar 2020

I can only say the best about Boris. A very competent and pleasant consultant. Everyone is in good hands here. I recommend him at any time.

Petra LB Avatar Petra LB
15. Juli 2019

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