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I can only tell you the best about Boris. A very competent and pleasant consultant. Everyone is in good hands here. I recommend him at any time.

Petra LB Avatar Petra LB
15. Juli 2019

I have had a very bad experience. Had extensive insurance there with a notable annual amount with an expensive company. 1 month before expiry I wanted to change this to a cheaper one and asked for offers. I got it too. One day before the end of the notice period. With the friendly hint that I would have to make a decision quickly. Allegedly 5 offers in a ZIP file. But I couldn't open it with the password I was given. Immediate complaint was unsuccessful. The deadline was running out and I COULD NOT decide. Instead of an apology, then a snappy comment. For me, financial transactions such as insurance are a matter of trust. I got the impression that keeping a commission was more at stake here than my interests. In any case, I terminated the brokerage contract because my trust was severely betrayed here.

Christian Hauck Avatar Christian Hauck
14. März 2023

I can only say the best about Boris. A very competent and pleasant advisor. Everyone is in good hands here. I recommend him at any time.

Shadowww Avatar Shadowww
15. Juli 2019

Super kompetente Beratung. Boris findet für jede verzwickte Situation die richtige Lösung.

Andrea Wittmann Avatar Andrea Wittmann
14. Oktober 2020

I can only say the best about Boris. A very competent and pleasant consultant. Everyone is in good hands here. I recommend him at any time.

Petra LB Avatar Petra LB
15. Juli 2019

I had a very bad experience. Among other things, I had extensive insurance there with a significant annual amount from an expensive company. 1 month before the end of the notice period, I wanted to change it to a cheaper one and asked for offers. I received it too. One day before the end of the notice period. With the kind hint that I would have to decide quickly. Supposedly 5 offers in one ZIP file. But I couldn't open it with the password given to me. Immediate complaint was unsuccessful. The deadline was running out and I COULDN’T decide at all. Instead of an apology, then a snarky comment. For me, financial transactions such as insurance are a matter of trust. I got the impression that this was more about keeping a commission than about my interests. In any case, I terminated the brokerage contract because my trust was seriously betrayed.

Christian Hauck Avatar Christian Hauck
7. April 2023

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